Extraordinary Innovation
Vir2us is a California based team of visionary thought leaders and technology solutions architects that have invented and patented some of the most widely adopted secure computing technologies in use today. There is hardly a company in the computer manufacturing and secure computing industry that does not employ Vir2us technologies.
Spawned in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay area in 2001, Vir2us team members were pioneers of digital networks, e-commerce, self-repairing systems and virtual isolated computing, to name just a few. The company’s technologies have received wide acclaim from government, industry and academia.
Today Vir2us boasts the only comprehensive and fully integrated suite of cybersecurity solutions for creating zero-vulnerability computing environments for nation states, critical infrastructure and global companies seeking to manage and protect digital assets. Vir2us solutions provide powerful, real-time information and response measures that are unparalleled.